Ashley Down PSA Donations
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£65 was raised by 3 supporters — that's teamwork!
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What is the Ashley Down PSA?
PSA stands for Parent/Staff Association – this charity exists to support both Downend Road and Brunel Field Primary Schools in North Bristol. That is around 700 children and several hundred adults.
The PSA is a voluntary organisation that helps to raise thousands of pounds every year through activities such as cake sales, Christmas and summer fairs, table top sales, music nights, quiz nights and school discos. The money raised helps to fund school activities and resources – but these can only be successful if people step forward and help in the running of events.
There is a committee that engages in planning and coordinating activities and beyond that, a network of supportive parents and teachers.
How is the money allocated?
All funds raised are banked with the Treasurer in the main PSA account, apart from the cake sale money, which is retained by the school and used directly by the year group that raised it.
Anyone can make a bid to the PSA requesting funds for a project that benefits the children. These are submitted on a bid form and discussed by the PSA before they decide whether to support it or not.
A bid is generally more likely to be approved if it benefits a wide range of the school population. However, all bids are welcome and will each be considered on their own merits.
What has the PSA funded?
Lots of the activities and resources that your children enjoy at school are funded by the PSA.
At Brunel Fields, the PSA provided much-needed money towards the climbing and play equipment in the Reception playground – before this, the playground was empty. A bid for £800 was also approved for the purchase of a greenhouse and gardening equipment for the school.
It’s not just equipment that is funded – our schools have benefited from theatre performances, poetry workshops and visiting birds of prey – all of which wouldn’t have been possible without the PSA’s funding.
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pledged of £1,000 goal (GBP)
3 backers
This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.