We have now reached a very important funding

February 2017


We have now reached a very important funding level which means one of our main costs has been covered which, make this project a very realistic possibility!

However, some people (obviously, those who have not made a pledge) think that they will be able to get tickets on the night. THIS IS NOT THE CASE

The ONLY way to obtain tickets is to make a pledge by visiting  www.fundsurfer.com/outdoorcinema

If you could please can you kindly suggest to 5 of your friends that they make a small pledge that would make over 300 people who we can contact.

It would help enormously if you could forward this email 5 friends to ask them to join you on these special nights

Regards and a very big thanks


Proceeds will go to the Helen Foundation and the mayor’s charity fund (which will be to help local people

Crowdfunding project

Outdoor Cinema in Teignmouth

To bring outdoor cinema to Teignmouth so it is affordable and accessible to all …you will not have to be a millionaire to come!

Funding successful

£4,827 raised