We took Historic England on a tour of Jacobs Wells

March 2024


Historic England and Jacobs Wells - Image Credit: Alastair Brookes

We invited Historic England to join Corinne Fitzpatrick, Conservation Architect for the project on a tour of Grade II Listed Jacobs Wells Baths to inspect the current emergency works taking place.

These works are in preparation for a phased repair scheme to begin later in the year as part of the mission to restore Jacobs Wells as a community arts space.

The tour uncovered the rich social and architectural history of the building; from the lantern roof, side blocks, boiler house, large chimney to its exterior and ornate features of terracotta dressings. The tour also showed glimpses of the former pump room - a space that has never been open to the public.

The first phase of repairs, set to start later this year, is supported by £1m from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) Community Ownership Fund, and £400,000 in match funding from local trusts including Nisbet Trust, the John James Foundation and other funders keen to support recovery efforts and revive the building.

The vision for Jacobs Wells is to develop and deliver a £4m regeneration scheme in keeping with the building's dance heritage, which will see the centre reopening as a vibrant community arts hub that will include much-needed youth provision and services.


Watch the full tour:


Find out more about our missions to restore and reopen Jacobs Wells:


Crowdfunding project

Jacobs Wells Baths

🌟 Be Part of the Future of Bristol's Jacobs Wells Baths🌟
26% raised
Open ended
26% pledged