User projects backed

Crowdfunding project

91 Ways; help us to continue our work

By using the uniting power of food we have brought together over 10,000 people, speaking 40 different languages, at 125 events.

Funding successful

£12,890 raised

Crowdfunding project

91 Ways; help us to continue our work

By using the uniting power of food we have brought together over 10,000 people, speaking 40 different languages, at 125 events.

Funding successful

£12,890 raised

Crowdfunding project

Bristol Giving Day For A Fab Future For All

Support the First "Bristol Giving Day" initiative, for a "FAB Future For All"

Funding successful

£320 raised

Crowdfunding project

Bristol Giving Day For A Fab Future For All

Support the First "Bristol Giving Day" initiative, for a "FAB Future For All"

Funding successful

£320 raised