Updates for The Imperial Plan by The Fable

Tomorrow is launch day!

The Imperial Plan by The Fable. Launch Date: Friday 11th November, 2016

Available from midnight tonight on over 150 online download stores and streaming sites including Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, etc

Hi pledgers,

Well at last after more than two years the date has finally arrived. I'm exhausted and skint but I guess I now have my work cut out promoting it to get the return on my investment. On that note:


Hi Backers, 

Well I am delighted to announce that earlier today I uploaded the entire album of The Imperial Plan to the online distributor (Tunecore) and set the launch date:

November 11th, 2016 - Armistice Day!

The album cover design is down to the last few edits, so the physical CD will be produced over the next couple of weeks in plenty of time to go on sale alongside the digital release.

July Update

Hi everyone,

The last track to be mixed (The Alliance Waltz) will be ready in a few days time so I can get the mixing done. The voiceovers were that last thing recorded and they are fantastic. They really pull the whole thing togather and secure it as a genuine concept album and I am delighted with the results.

Also I have commissioned a line drawing artist to produce images for each track to go inside the booklet/cover (still not 100% sure on the format for that).

Mixing Progress report

Hi all,

I have been working hard towards finishing the last recording parts of The Imperial Plan and beginning to make good progress on the mixing. There is just one small bit of recording work to do on the track The Alliance Waltz, which should be happening on Wednesday night. We are bringing in a professional radio voiceover specialist and I am really looking forward to the results.

Can't thank you enough :-)

Hi pledgers,

As a result of your efforts both to pledge and to spread the word we hit £667.00. Although the target was higher and the costs keep coming your contibution will make huge differenceand I have been ploughing ahead finishing off the recording of the tracks.

Just 4 days left


Hi pledgers,

Just wanted to thank you again for investing. It doesn't look like I will hit the overall target but as I am not in a gigging band building a fan base I sadly don't have a huge email list of addresses by which to promote it. I have had to rely on social media and people sharing the links.

Getting it all started

Morning all :-) A huge thanks to my brother-in-law Clive & Lorraine Tucker over in Boston, USA for donating £50 cash to the project recently, which I pledged on their behalf. Also to my friend and fellow musician Eddie Mole. All 3 listened to me sing some of my songs back in 2014 and their feedback helped encourage me to start the recording process.