Victoria Klewin & The TrueTones request the pleasure of your company...
October 2016
Hello everyone.
I hope you're all keeping well and that you recieved your download codes for the album? A few of you have been in touch to say how much you like it, which is brilliant! A fair few of you have been worringly quiet though...please do let me know if you have had any problems with the download. Your hard copies are being manufactured right now! Once they're ready I can either post them to you (with your other rewards if you have any) OR you can collect them in person at our PRIVATE ALBUM LAUNCH PARTY!
This launch party is a free event exclusively for you, our backers and some press. We will be giving a short performance on the night, shooting some footage for our next video, playing the album through a decent sound system, projecting photos and video from throughout the project, and will also get the chance to mingle and chat with you all. You'll also get a complimetary welcome drink and some nibbles, cos we're fancy like that! ;) We would be delighted if you could join us...
89 Whiteladies Rd, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2NT
Please save the date and RSVP as soon as possible!
Victoria and The TrueTones
Oh...and here's our official album cover! You're the first to see it...