A Green MP in Cambridge - a giant leap closer!
March 2015
Thank you all for your support and pledges over the past months on Fundsurfer, and through social media. It's meant our campaign surpassed the £4,000 barrier last week, and last night was up to £4,367 - an amazing result! I'm so grateful, and I feel very privileged to be able to represent you.
The money that you've raised will enable us to put down a deposit, get promotional material together, and put more bodies on the ground to represent the Green Party and to get the message out through Cambridge about who the Green Party is and why people should vote Green in May. We need to be seen and heard, online and offline, and thanks to your support, we'll be able to do that better.
As for me personally, I've been to a few hustings recently, most recently to Hills Road Sixth Form College, where I was joined by representatives of the other parties - it was a jolly packed affair! The questions were wide ranging - from the economy, to the Middle East. I spoke to the students afterwards, and there's real appetite for honest politics. If you're interested in coming to a hustings, please join us in April, when I'll be at the Friends Meeting House in a hustings organised by the Cambridge Cycling Campaign.
The Green Surge is a real thing, and we need to keep the momentum going right up to the election, and beyond. You can help by spreading the word! What does the Green Party stand for? - https://www.greenparty.org.uk/we-stand-for/ And https://voteforpolicies.org.uk/ - the Green Party comes top in Cambridge, when people vote for what they believe!
I'll be in touch again soon, but once again let me thank you for your support, and let's #VoteGreen2015,