Writing Practitioner's professional development fund


£155 was raised by 5 supporters — that's teamwork!

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Funding towards costs of studying a PG Cert to further develop my practice as a Writing for Wellbeing practitioner and writing coach/mentor/tutor

About me and my work

I am a poet and writer who works in education, and community arts. I  also offer Writing for Wellbeing sessions, either one-to-one or for small groups. These sessions focus on my clients' creative writing so that they can develop literary skills, and also, guide each of them to reflect on themes and narratives in their work, use of metaphors, vocabulary, and all other features of literary voice. Through this work, clients make insightful links between their writing and their personal lives - past, present, and intended futures - as well as creating high quality pieces of poetry and prose.

Nurturing creativity and empowering others is joyful and rewarding. I want to develop this work so that it has greater scope - and so, first - I need to further develop my own professional skills.


The Plan

I have been offered a place at the University of St. Mark and St. John in Plymouth, to study for a. PG Cert (Post Graduate Certificate) in Coaching and Mentoring. This course offers the academic flexibility to uniquely develop my work within established coaching and mentoring theories and practice. (It is a teaching-and-learning, academic based coaching and mentoring course, unlike some others out there (and whose standards equal little more than meaningful pauses and unicorn farts). 

Utimately, It will support me to better encourage and enable others to develop creatively and to flourish in other aspects of their lives, complementing my existing skills and qualifications.

The PG Cert will also contribute points towards a Masters degree in Education if I decide after this one-year course, to pursue that goal as well.



The obstacle

I need to find funding for this course that is neither grant funded nor is it currently eligible for a government loan.

 I love my work: it is interesting, unique and worthwhile but it does not make me wealthy! 


The Solution

This Fundsurfer Project will help raise a contribution towards my course fee which is just over  £1660.00 for this year, plus there will be additional study/travel costs. Any contribution you are able to make will be welcome and truly appreciated.

Fundsurfer was my choice of crowdfunding companies because  they focus on creative, social and green projects. They came highly recommended from others who have worked with them or have launched a project with them.  


The benefits for you

In exchange for your investment into my future I am offering a number of optional rewards, including a copy of my book, or a workshop place, or a short poem written for you, or one-to-one sessions, or all of these! This is no begging letter this is the place where unique deals are to be made, literary bargains to be had.


Money back guarantee!

In the unlikely event that the course is cancelled or I am not able to take the place, all contributions will be returned. If I reach in excess of my goal, it will help to cover transport and associated study and practice costs other than the course fee + study/travel. Funding is ongoing. So is changing the world. 


Thank you, kind benefactors and benefactresses!




pledged of £1,660 goal (GBP)

9% pledged

5 backers

This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.

This project was created by

Get these rewards

£5 – Thanks, and optional haiku!

Get this reward

In big bold writing and thanks acknowledged, I will add your name or that of your company to a thank-you/Roll of Honour on my website. I will even add a haiku, at your request.

NB companies and individuals who exploit human, animal, community or natural resources will not be acknowledged

£20 – ' Ladygardens' - a copy of my poetry collection + thanks

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Published by Burning Eye Books, my first full poetry collection ''Ladygardens'' can be sent to your address = thanks on my website.Roll of Honour (please make sure you provide your address!)

£30 – Workshop place

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In February and March 2015, I will be running one-day writing workshops for women (February) and for men and women (March) on the lovely Dartington Estate in Devon. These will be on a Sunday, date tbc. And a public thank-you on my website -

£50 – All of the above

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A workshop place (as described in the £25 reward), a poetry book, your name on my Roll of Honour plus a personal haiku on my website...bargain!

£100 – Two one-to-one Writing for Wellbeing sessions.

Get this reward

My grateful thanks, all of the above, and a two one-to-one sessions to take place in Devon before midsummer 2016.

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