Start crowdfunding

Start your crowdfunding project

It's quick and easy to start a crowdfunding project on Fundsurfer.

Let's begin!

Fill in your project title, a brief description and your funding target.

You can change these later so don't worry if you aren't sure yet.

You can add more details about your project on the next page.

Fundraising on behalf of
Sleep Pod campaign

  • No bank details needed
  • Funds go directly to the cause
What are you raising money for?

Describe your project in one sentence (30 words or fewer).

What is the minimum amount you need to raise? If you've never crowdfunded before, read this guide
Security check

Your project preview

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(Enter a title)

(Enter a description)
£ (Enter a target)

Not sure yet?

If you have any questions you can find out more here:

By starting a crowdfunding project on Fundsurfer you agree to our terms and conditions