Rewards for Building a school in Madagascar

Support this project and get these fantastic rewards!

£25 – Donor recognition wall

4 people want this

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Your name will be added to the donor recognition wall when the school is built.

£50 – Malagasy chocolate & name on donor recognition wall

1 person wants this

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You will receive a bar of Malagasy chocolate and your name will be added to the donor recognition wall when the school is built.

£100 – A hand woven bag & name on the donor recognition wall

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You will receive a hand woven bag made in Madagascar and your name will be added to the donor recognition wall when the school is built.

£500 – Your own tree planted & name on donor recognition wall

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Local children will plant a tree in the grounds of the school when it is constructed. Your name will be put on a plaque by the tree. We will send you a photograph of the tree.

£1,000 – Malagasy meal and name on donor recognition wall

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Your name added to the donor recognition wall when the school is built & a Malagasy meal in Bristol.

£2,500 – Malagasy meal & an opportunity to watch & listen to musicians from the South of Madagascar

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You will be invited to eat a Malagasy meal & have an opportunity to watch & listen to musicians from the South of Madagascar in Bristol or Paris. Your name will also be added to the donor recognition wall when the school is built.

£5,000 – Visit to the school

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An organised visit to the school during the period of construction or when it is built (flights and accommodation need to be paid by the donor). Please note that this will be a physically & mentally challenging trip. We will ensure you are met at the nearest airport in Fort Dauphin and transported to Ambovombe by road and then onto the village. You will stay in local accommodation for 2 nights.