Bristol Green Party


The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent electors in the European and Westminster parliaments and in many English local authorities, including the London Assembly.

Here in Bristol, we have six councillors, Daniella Radice (Bishopston), Charlie Bolton (Southville),   Gus Hoyt (Ashley), Martin Fodor (Redland), Rob Telford (Ashley) and Tim Malnick (Bishopston). Daniella also serves on the Mayor's cabinet.

See our crowdfunding projects below (including Darren Hall, our candidate tipped to take Bristol West in 2015).

Join the Bristol Green Party

7 projects

£ 24,075 raised

Crowdfunding project

Fight for the right to vote Green in Bristol & Bath

Thank you everyone who has helped us raise the deposit. Can you now help us fund the campaign?

Funding successful

£11,245 raised

Crowdfunding project

Make Bristol Green in 2016!

Help Bristol Green Party at the May 2016 elections by successfully electing Tony Dyer as Mayor of Bristol and doubling our councillor numbers.

Funding successful

£2,700 raised

Crowdfunding project

A Green MP for Bristol East

Help us elect a Green MP in Bristol East

Funding successful

£915 raised

Crowdfunding project

A Green MP for Bristol North West

Vote Green in Bristol North West for genuine change and real hope in a sustainable future for all.

Funding successful

£245 raised

Crowdfunding project

A Green MP for Kingswood, Bristol

Help us elect a Green MP in Kingswood

Funding successful

£270 raised

Crowdfunding project

Tony Dyer - Green MP for Bristol South

The Green Party is surging across Bristol, we'd like you to join us. Get involved and help us elect Tony Dyer as the first Green MP for Bristol South

Funding successful

£305 raised

Crowdfunding project

A Green MP for Bristol West

The Green Party is on the march and we would like you to join us. Get involved and help the Green Party double our numbers in Parliament

Funding successful

£8,395 raised