£25 – the 1% 's

Every person who pledges 25 euros or more will receive our exclusive BelTheatre key-ring!! and will be mentioned on our FB page and website
This project finished on Saturday the 16th of April, 2016
£77 was raised by 2 supporters — that's teamwork!
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BelTheatre is a youth theatre based in Belgrade, Serbia. Running for almost 10 years we cater for young people from the ages of 7 to 19 years of age and currently have over 80 regular members. We are delighted and honoured to have been invited by Colectivo Improspañol-Verein ART KO LÈ to Vienna in April of this year to perform in the "VIENNA 2016: WALKING TOWARDS SOCIAL INCLUSION" Project.The program includes activities focussing on: communication, youth, gender, care, migration, bodies and functional diversity.
Although we have travelled and performed in many countries throughout Europe this is BelTheatre's first opportunity to travel to our near neighbours and participate in such a worthwhile project. We would love to be able to make the most of this chance.
But...BelTheatre is financed entirely through its members and while we attempt to offer them an diverse and exciting program, we are also aware that not all of them can afford to participate in the excursions we offer without some outside help....and that is where you come in.
The money we are looking to raise here will cover travel, accommodation and production costs for ALL young people. If we fail to meet our target we will use the money to subsidize those in most need of financial support,
Please help us make this chance a reality.
BelTheatre je pozorište za mlade u Beogradu, Srbiji. Pozorište postoji već skoro 10 godina i okuplja mlade uzrasta od 7 do 19 godina. Trenutno ima preko 80 članova. Počastvovani smo i ponosni što smo dobili poziv da u aprilu ove godine izvedemo jednu od naših originalnih predstava u Beču u okviru festivala Teatar za socijalnu inkluziju. Program festivala uključuje aktivnosti koje će biti fokusirane na komunikaciju, mlade, rod, brigu, telo i funkcionalnu različitost.
Iako smo putovali i igrali naše predstave u mnogim zemljama širom Evrope ovo je prva prilika za BelTheatre da poseti zemlju u našem bližem komšiliku i da učestvuje u ovako značajnom projektu. Voleli bismo da maksimalno iskoristimo ovu dragocenu mogućnost.
Ali...BelTheatre se u potpunosti finansira putem članarina i, iako želimo da ponudimo svojim članovima uzbudljiv i dinamičan program, svesni smo da ne mogu svi da priušte da učestvuju u ovakvoj jednoj ekskurziji bez pomoći sa strane.....i upravo tu vi možete imati značajnu ulogu.
Novac koji se nadamo da ćemo ovim putem prikupiti biće iskorišćen za finansiranje puta, smeštaja i produkcijskih troškova za SVE mlade članove. Ukoliko ne uspemo da prikupimo puni iznos koji nam je potreban, donirana sredstva biće uložena za pokrivanje troškova onih članova kojima je to najpotrebnije.
Molimo Vas podržite našu inicijativu da jednu ovakvu priliku pretvorimo u realnost.
https://www.facebook.com/belvienna/info/?tab=page_info www.beltheatre.com
pledged of £1,938 goal (GBP)
This project ended on 16 April 2016
This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.
Every person who pledges 25 euros or more will receive our exclusive BelTheatre key-ring!! and will be mentioned on our FB page and website
A signed photo of the cast will be sent to you with our thanks and your name will be mentioned on our FB and website
A limited edition T-shirt sporting the BelTheatre logo! Small, medium or large??