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The latest news from our projects

  • Sleep Pod - you are part of the story

    An update for Sleep Pod sky dive 2021

    Oct 6 2021

    Thank you so much for your support - we have hit our Target of £15,000 with two days to go. 

    Our brave skydivers are gearing up for an amazing event this weekend as the weather is looking great. Doing a skydive for charity - for people who might never be able to say thank you, really is very special. We are delighted to have a 16 strong Sleep Pod Skydive 2021 crew, who in turn have your support. What ever you have contributed is really appreciated.

    Our target of £15,000 represents 500 people that will have a Sleep Pod emergency shelter this winter. As we know the need is great we will continue to push - all monies we raise go to buying the materials and to getting Sleep Pods who need protection this winter.

    So we push to get more people involved - so if you have anyone that might want to support the way that you have, then the link will remain open for you to pass the details around. 

    We are Sleep Pod and what we do matters. It matters most to the people that sleep in our emergency shelters when the world is dark, when the nights are cold and the weather is terrible. When the nights are long and the environment scary our Sleep Pod offers some protection and support. 

    Thank you for sharing our vision and being part of the Sleep Pod story. 


    Sleep Pod - For dreams of a better future.


  • Dovercourt Fundraiser Update

    An update for Save Dovercourt Road Green Space

    Sep 30 2021

    Hi all. A few months ago we started a crowdfunder as we believe that getting professional representation to eradicate and/or minimise increased traffic, safety, parking and pollution with the depot redevelopment gave us the best chance of success. I’m pleased to say that the letter of objection has now been done in time for the consultation deadline.

    Thanks to all who have contributed so far. We still have funds left to use at the next stage which we believe will be needed. Here is the letter for anyone to read who wishes to do so. If you have any questions about the letter, the crowdfunder or anything else that the Residents Group is doing please feel free email us.  

    Here is the link to the letter.


    Kind Regards

    Dovercourt Residents Action Group


  • النسخة المحدثة الجديدة new updated version

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 30 2021


    وصلنا لنسخة محدثة جديدة اشاركها معكم، نعمل على تحسين التنسيق واللمسات النهائية ونقترب من النهاية

    Hi all

    we arrived new updated version here

  • Latest update on Afghanistan

    An update for Supporting Afghan families in need

    Sep 17 2021

    We are now supporting over 250 people in Afghanistan who are still in the country, we were able to get out 10 people during the airlifts. We are mainly helping people that need to cross legal borders. 90% of the people we are supporting have been displaced and have nothing. We have been working with UK Politicians to lobby for the home office to approve applications to the UK. We are working directly with registered and regulated NGOs in Afghanistan and Central Asia to help facilitate funding directly to families and those in need. Your help means a lot.

    Fundsurfer is working with approved UNHCR and ICVA (International Council of Voluntary Agencies) partners to ensure funding goes where it will help the most. It's been an awful situation made a little brighter by the messages of support we have received from our donors and partners. We will keep you updated on progress (as much as we can safely) over the coming weeks.

    We are planning a number of fundraising events and campaigns throughout 2021 and will share details for those as they go live.

    If you want to get involved with fundraising for Afghanistan drop us a line anytime at

    Thanks again for sharing and donating to the project.

    The Fundsurfer Team.

  • التدقيق اللغوي النهائي

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 17 2021

    تحية عطرة

    إنّ الكتاب الآن في مرحلة التدقيق اللغوي النهائي عند مدققة لغوية احترافية اعمل معها دوماً واثق بعملها، وأعتقد أنه بحاجة لحوالي 10 أيام إن شاء الله



  • The version 2 of the Arabi translation

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 8 2021

    Hi Supporters !

    I am excited to share with you that I have finished the second version of the translation, you can check here

    I have now sent the final version to a professional proofreader, and it needs at least two weeks for working deeply on it. 

    Crossed fingers


    الداعمون الرائعون

    أنا متحمّس لمشاركتكم أنني أنهيت النسخة الثانية من الترجمة للكتاب بعد مراجعتها تحريرياً بهدوء خلال الاسبوعين الماضيين، ويمكنكم الاطلاع عليها من هنا

    قمت بارسال تلك النسخة الآن لمدققة لغوية احترافية و ستقوم بمراجعتها لغوياً للشكل النهائي خلال اسبوعين من العمل بعمق عليها

    اقتربنا ان شاء الله





  • Translator Introduction

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 4 2021

    Most projects involving teamwork as well as most ideas of organizing local communities fail when attempts are made to build a successful governance model. In most cases, the matter turns directly to building alliances inside the group in one way or another and giving a particular lobby all the power regarding decision-making, which will then take the group in the direction it wants.

    Even in the game of free democratic elections, influencers collect votes from those who are not interested in the election process. By doing so, they can achieve a simple majority of 51%, which allows them to be declared legitimate representatives of society.

    In his book titled " Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual to Changing the World,” Rick Falkvinge talks about the Heisenberg metrics phenomenon and its impact on various organizations. The idea is summarized by the fact that individuals intend to act dishonestly in order to support their win. A typical example of Heisenberg metrics in practice is what happened with the site This site was a pioneer in the music cloud business in 2011, when they offered what is called a pay-for-play service. This is a service in which an artist would get a piece of the site’s revenue, which was distributed amongst all of the artists on in accordance with how much their songs were played on the site. The result was that everybody wanted to financially support their favorite artists. To do so, they set up all the computers they could access to play music from said artist on the site, but with the volume turned off as to not disturb anybody. Some people coded bots that would repeatedly stream an artist’s music to boost artificial numbers, which of course translated into money. Heisenberg metrics unfortunately also happen at the political level, and when people rig this, their candidate has to win.

    Most of the time candidates focus on the process of winning elections for team or group governance, and the goal of winning is quite different from actually representing the real team. This is especially true with the current political games such as political advocacy campaigns, defamation of politicians, politics of focusing on identity and excluding others, the manipulation of votes and of the delimitation of electoral districts, and television debates. With all this in mind, one cannot be sure that this leads to fair representation for all in governance.

    I was always impressed by the writings of Daniel Larimer, particularly because of his interest in building decentralized societies and his extensive 15+ year experience in this field caught my attention. I started following his work closely 4 years ago. At the time, I started every morning by reading the telegram bot that shared his messages to social media.

    Larimer is a computer programmer, economist, game theorist, and entrepreneur who, over the past 15 years, has devoted his life to creating software solutions that benefit society while championing the right to decent life, liberty, collective property, and justice for all. Most importantly, he is the EOS community leader!

    Larimer deeply explains the road map into true democracy in the book "More Equal Animals: The Subtle Art of True Democracy." He perfectly introduces the role of randomness, which I am a big believer of. The word “randomness” may unfortunately have a harsh impact on the Arabic-speaking world as it is related to “mess.” To mitigate this effect, I searched for historical incidents in which randomness was employed in making decisions. I found different stories in Arabic/Islamic history, all of which used something called “drawing lots,” which was acceptable in history. This practice was called qur'a. Drawing lots played a modest role in Islamic law, except in matters of descent, where its use was controversial. These instances occurred in the exegeses of the Koran, which mentions drawing lots alongside other divinatory practices considered to be illicit. By contrast, in the sayings attributed to the Prophet (hadith), references to drawing lots are much more numerous, either in helping one make a decision or as a means of resolving a conflict. For cult matters, the process was used in order to decide between candidates for a single position.

    It is no secret to that it is difficult to faithfully transfer the text and its spirit into the Arabic language. I tried as much as possible to do the text justice. I added more than 200 footnotes to provide supplemental explanations as well as three appendixes about blockchain, Bitcoin, and Eden on EOS.

    This work would not have seen the light without the support and review of my team and their assistance in editing, proofreading, reviewing, and formatting. Their review and insight played an important role in ensuring this project reached its final form. I am really fortunate to have had them alongside me during this work.

    I would also like to thank all the supporters who have and will financially support the crowdfunding campaign[1] for the book. Their support and faith have been great motivators for me and are major reasons why the book is so freely available with such quality.

    I am sure that having this book in Arabic will open plenty of new doors and I believe it is the first book ever being translating into Arabic in the same year of its publication, instead of having to wait the usual years!



  • Review of the Arabic translation by Dr. Fadi Alshalabi

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 3 2021

    When I first read the book "More equal animals: The subtle art of true Democracy", upon friendly advice from the translator, who is a big fan of the author and his ideas, I admit that I fell in love with the book and its ideas in addition to the way the author argues in important and sensitive issues.

     As a bilingual person, I could see how difficult it is to translate such a rich book and transfer its true meaning and spirit. The Challenges are not only restricted to finding the right words and terminologies in Arabic in order to convey the same idea, but they extend to other two issues. First, the author depends on relatively new ideas and concepts that are still immature in public awareness in the Arab World. Second, to understand the ideas and the underlying meanings between the lines, the reader should have a decent understanding of blockchain and Bitcoin concepts. Therefore, I Consider translating this masterpiece into Arabic for Arab readers a very difficult and challenging mission.

    When Dr. Amroush Shared with me the translation of the first couple of chapters, I was very impressed, not only by the high quality of the translation but also with his ability to provide the context and frame that enable the Arab reader to deeply understand the true meanings of the original text.

    After reading the whole book in Arabic, I was even more impressed with the translator’s ability to transfer the spirit of the original book and the genius style of the author even seamlessly. Dr. Amroush, very skillfully, inserted a lot of footnotes and extra explanations to ease the reader's mission and make it not only comfortable but very enjoyable.

     As someone who taught English-Arabic translation at the university, I could realize the amount of effort put into providing all needed information and explanations to clarify the author’s intent. This was remarkably clear from the very beginning, in the title. The translator used the word ‘living creatures’, instead of ‘Animals’ which appears in the original title to as it will be strange for Arabic readers, However, he provided an explanation why he did that and even the clarification where the author had this idea from the satirical allegorical novella ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell. The translator kept this system for the entire book, so readers won’t miss any single hint of the author and get all his connotations.

    On top of that, and to make sure that the readers have all that they need to understand the book and its smart ideas, the translator provides his readers with two extra chapters: one on the blockchain, and one on Bitcoin. He advised the readers to go through these two chapters before reading the book so they can get the context right.

    Away from the quality work and translation, Dr. Amroush showed in this great piece of work, it is a great addition to the Arabic library and content. Moreover, it is noteworthy that this product is very significant, as it is presented in the same year of the publishing the original book. This is a seldom incident in the Arab World. Therefore, Dr. Amroush deserves great credit for such an achievement.

    Finally, I would say that I have very much enjoyed reading the original book and its Arabic translation. I strongly advise everyone to add it to their to-read list.


    Dr. Fadi Alshalabi

    Founder and CEO of Niuversity

    Berlin 02.09.2021


  • توثيق رسم غلاف كتاب نحو كائنات متساوية بالخط الديواني

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 1 2021

    توثيق رسم غلاف كتاب نحو كائنات متساوية بالخط الديواني

    يسرّني سَك أول رمز غير قابل للاستبدال NFT على منصة فويس التي تدعم لأول الدفع بالبطاقة البنكية، هذا الرمز فريد ، أصلي، لن يتم سكّه مرّة أخرى فهو يتميز بالندرة، جميل فنياً لعنوان الكتاب بالعربية "نحو كائنات متساوية"، سعر الافتتاح هو 250 دولار

    الصورة هي رسم لعنوان الغلاف بالخط الديواني، تم رسمها يدوياً لصالحي من قبل أحد المبدعين مع حقوق ملكيتها وقيمتها بسبب سكّها على البلوكتشين وتحديد ملكيتها بشكل واضح، مع قابلية انتقال الملكية بشكل تقني واضح غير قابل للتلاعب و امكانية تصديرها مستقبلاً لشبكات بلوكتشين أخرى!

  • Review of my translation

    An update for The Subtle Art of True Democracy In Arabic

    Sep 1 2021

    Thanks, Emad Nasher Alne'am for your review of my translation of the book.

    The review

    I couldn't wait any longer for Dr. Fadi to complete the translation of Daniel Larimer's More Equal Animals. As after reading the book in English, I had the interest to widely share it with my colleagues at work and with friends, but the challenge was that it was not available in Arabic.

    I was very excited when I've heard that Dr. Fadi has taken upon himself the burden of translating the book. Thanks, Dr.Fadi; Your ultimate accuracy in your book through using numerous translation methods and styles reflects your deep understanding of the subject, in addition to your creative competencies in both languages, English and Arabic alike.

    Indeed, the use of distinctive semantics, rhetorical language, and figures of the speech made me feel the originality of the work and made it easier to share this valuable book. Thanks a lot.