£25 – Pie & Chips

We'll find somewhere on the day in Sheffield, and Pie and chips are on us .. the rest of the money will go to the campaign ...
This project was unsuccessful
Hi, My name is Emlyn Mousley, and I have a very close friend called Matt Shaw... and I am truly concerned about his sanity in his belief that the earth is flat. And he in return is truly concerned with my sanity and that I do not share the theory that the earth is flat and we the human race has been lied to by the powers at be.
Please Go to and like our Facebook Page to keep up to date on our progress click HERE
It's been going on for months now, so rather than another endless debate, I think it's time we finally put this to bed. So we are launching this crowdfunding campaign to raise £2385 to send a large weather balloon up to 35 plus Kilometers to finally find out the truth as it seems no matter how many online videos we see showing the curvature of the earth, there is always some doubt whether that is they are using a GoPro fish-eyed lens or the video has been tampered with in some way. So as the old saying goes.. if you want a good job doing then you have to do it ourselves.
So we have appointed an independent third party UK-based company called Sent Into Space to provide all the equipment and produce the video, you can find more about them HERE, they will provide the opportunity anyone to come and inspect the equipment on the launch day, to show all is above board and we are not using any fish-eyed lenses and all the raw footage can be inspected as well. So all the equipment will be flat earther certified...
And to make it even more credible we will be holding the launch in Sheffield UK and we invite any and all flat earthers and globalists to attend the event. Nothing will be hidden, all will be transparent for credibility .. and we invite any and all further suggestions from anyone interested in this experiment to put their ideas forward.
The actual cost of the event is £1750, However, we will donate a minimum of £500 to the Save The Earth Cooperative anything over the target amount will also go to the Cooperative so they can carry on their good work, you can find out more about this organization HERE. Plus 6% in estimated transaction fees
Remember, anyone who has an interest in this subject can attend the event, once the funding target is reached we will announce the event time and location.
Please Note; all donors and attendees will be named in the final video ( unless notified you do not wish to be ) with a thank you for your support. Also, I and Matt are not liable for this experiment, it's a bit of fun and we are in the hands of the equipment, weather and space gods.
pledged of £2,385 goal (GBP)
This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.
We'll find somewhere on the day in Sheffield, and Pie and chips are on us .. the rest of the money will go to the campaign ...
This T-shirt will be designed after we get the result, announcing the earth is flat or a globe.