Wisley Action Group - Protecting the Green Belt


£55 was raised by 2 supporters — that's teamwork!

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A Cayman-registered, hedge-fund-backed developer wants to build 2,100 homes in the Surrey Green Belt. We think that’s a bad idea AND NEED YOUR HELP !!

Wisley Property Investments is a Cayman-registered developer backed by the hedge fund RAB Capital. They have put forward a proposal to build a new town on Three Farms Meadows, the site of the former Wisley Airfield (which was never a real airfield, but that’s another story) . They picked up the site in a fire-sale after the previous owner went into liquidation, and now hope to make hundreds of millions from this development.

We believe this is bad for the Green belt and bad for Surrey as a whole. We urge you to support us.


Your Help Is Requested - Please DONATE now

 WISLEY ACTION GROUP (WAG) continues to fight the planning application to develop Three Farms Meadows into 2100 homes with the detrimental affect that will have on the green belt and our roads, traffic and pollution. 

WAG retains expensive planning consultants, a specialist and top Queen’s Counsel planning barrister, to assist the cause and with our objections and also incurs other additional costs including printing to gain more publicity. Volunteers on the WAG Committee work very long hours to fight this cause on behalf of local residents.



pledged of £100 goal (GBP)

55% pledged

2 backers

This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.

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