£50 – Medical Aid Box

Medical supply to go straight to the live savers on the frontline of the Earthquake.
£50 minimum.
The damage from the February 6th earthquake is catastrophic. Millions of people have been affected and the death toll has now passed 23,000. There are also thousands of injured people who are seeking medical attention as well as many who are displaced from their homes.
After an event like this, clean water and much needed supplies are essential to sustain life in the affected areas. We have the ability to provide mobile water units that can be set up and operated easily. We are also able to deliver medical supplies and other aid to the most vulnerable areas by connecting to local governments and organizations.
Presidium Network CIC - The Presidium Network is a registered UK non-profit that provides support to communities in crisis to manage humanitarian issues and represent the needs of people affected by violence or poverty to international-policy makers.
JHOC - We are a Swedish-based company with a wide international network. We are focused on delivering support in war-torn, social- and environmentally devastated areas where we can improve the quality of life for all people. The consortium comprises a strong network of partners and vendors of various technologies to support humanitarian operations in austere regions.
Our unique position allows us to provide humanitarian care services for people in need. We can provide medical care, food, water, and other final mile logistical services. One of the most dire needs during a crisis of this magnitude is clean drinking water. Our state-of-the-art mobile water purification systems can be deployed anywhere and treat up to 22,000 gallons per day of potable water powered by solar or wind.
We deploy the most advanced mobile off-grid water purification systems, that can supply safe drinking water at as little cost as $0.002 a litre.
We have partnered with the world's best water engineers and developers in order to achieve this.
We will deliver the units, and train people to use them on the ground, so their communities can get fresh drinking water.
No filters need changing for 2 years, and when they need new filters PN will continue to supply these filters for life.
Currently PN has the ability to mobilise four mobile water purification systems from our supply partners JHOC, all developed to help those in emergency need of water. All have their own off-grid power sources making them fully mobile in the most extreme areas of the world.
The four different model types are below:
1. Ocean RO, 1,362 lites per day, (Stored in 3x suitcases for travel)
2. MWPS - Mini: 1,100 litres per day (suitcase)
3. MWPS - 2.5: 10,200 litres per day (truck bed for transport)
4. MWPS - 4000: 96,000 litres per day (quad con - Truck Container)
All models come with mobile solar panels.
The MWS 4000 and 2.5 have portable wind energy systems as well as solar.
pledged of £60,000 goal (GBP)
This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.
Medical supply to go straight to the live savers on the frontline of the Earthquake.
£50 minimum.
Purifies up to 1100 litres per day (300 gallons per day, 366 people per day) on solar power to WHO standards
Ultrafiltration removes particles as small as 0.02μm Ultraviolet disinfection eliminates bacteria, viruses, and protozoa
Weighs 40lbs (18.2Kgs) Easy to transport between communities and camps. The treatment system and all accessories are included and can be packed inside the case.
£15,000 minimum. 10 available
Produces 1362 lites a day equivalent to 454 people having 3 lites of drinking water a day. With its Reverse Osmosis technology it cleans 99.5% of salts
Suitcase size mobile off grid with its own energy supply - remove salts as well as all water born diseases so can great drinking water from sea water to WHO water standards.
This system is perfect for Ukraine crisis.
£30,000 minimum. 10 available
Produces up to 10,200 litres per day with continuous power - 3400 people per day.
No expensive filter cartridges to replace.
Operation requires no fuel, chemicals, or frequent filter cartridge replacement.
Set up in 30 minutes or less
Can produce up to 2,725 liters (720gals) with 6 hours of sunlight (water quality dependent)
Potable water costs as low as $0.0018/liter($0.006/gallon)
£150,000 minimum. 5 available
MWPS-15 solar array now features a ground-mount configuration for easier facilitation of setup, ease of access, further ruggedization, and improved manual maneuverability, as well as added safety
Effluent Output ≈ 4,000 litres per hour or 96,000 litres per day. 32000 people a day. It is attached to back of a truck and can be driven easily between citifies and remote areas.
£230,000 minimum. 5 available