£7 – Co-operative Greens badge
14 people want this

REDUCED COST: If you donate at least £7, I'll send you a couple of badges with the Co-operative Greens logo.
(If you want more badges, please donate a bit more and ask me for them)
This project was successfully funded on Tuesday the 30th of June, 2015
£799 was raised by 32 supporters — that's teamwork!
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Organised by Co-operatives UK (the membership and campaigning organisation for co-ops), it's the annual gathering of the UK co-operative movement. Delegates from co-ops large and small across the UK will converge to network, participate, debate and discuss. The 2015 Congress takes place in Birmingham on 26th & 27th June.
(More info at www.uk.coop/congress)
Co-operative values are absolutely central to Green politics, and many people involved in the co-op sector support Green ideas.
However, there has never been a formal Green Party presence at Congress – until now! I've organised a Green Party stall and two delegate places. It will be shared between the Scottish Green Party and the Green Party of England & Wales, with one person from each. We will be promoting Green issues and membership of our two Green parties.
I'm asking Green supporters to contribute towards the costs. We are paying £480 for the stall and two delegate places, and the two delegates are also incurring travel and accommodation costs. Fundsurfer fees amount to about 8%, so I've set our target at £520 to try to cover the stall and delegate fees. Please chip in!
If we beat the target, we will also be able to help the two delegates with their travel and accommodation costs. If we beat the target by a long way, any extra money will go towards future activities in the co-operative sector by members of the two Green parties.
(I'm keeping the fundraiser going until 30th June, as some people attending Congress won't know about this until they see our stall – we'll point them in this direction if they want to contribute.)
If you're interested in co-operatives and are member of either the Scottish Green Party or the Green Party of England & Wales, you can join our groups of co-op activists and be involved in future events and campaigns. Just let me know in a comment and I'll get back to you.
If you're not a member of a Green party, but would like to join, what are you waiting for? Here's where you can join up:
www.scottishgreens.org.uk (Scotland)
www.greenparty.org.uk (England & Wales)
www.greenpartyni.org (Northern Ireland)
Finally, if you're attending Co-op Congress yourself, please wear a Green Party badge or t-shirt there to show support, and come to see us at the stall.
Now, please pledge some money!
Thanks, Steve West
pledged of £520 goal (GBP)
This project ended on 30 June 2015
This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.
14 people want this
REDUCED COST: If you donate at least £7, I'll send you a couple of badges with the Co-operative Greens logo.
(If you want more badges, please donate a bit more and ask me for them)
9 people want this
REDUCED COST: If you donate at least £30, you qualify for a green t-shirt with the Co-operative Greens logo in white.
I'll contact you to find out what size you want.
You'll also get Co-operative Greens badges.