The Green Party campaign for South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead


This project finished on Thursday the 23rd of April, 2015

£700 was raised by 26 supporters — that's teamwork!

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Everyone should have the opportunity to vote Green. Help us fund the campaigns for Green candidates in South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead!

Help us make Britain a fairer, greener society!

South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead constituents should have the opportunity to vote for and elect a Green candidate in the 2015 General and Local Elections. Help us get Charlotte Pardy (South West Herts) and Alan Borgars (Hemel Hempstead) elected, and provide funds to help fight the local elections across the area!

In 2010 23.26% of people in South West Herts who took the survey at found themselves supporting the Green Party. This puts us ahead of any of the other political parties.

Why we are asking for your help

The #GreenSurge has seen a 90% rise in party membership over the last year.

growth .png

In the Dacorum area our membership has trebled since April 2014!

There is a real thirst in Britain for a fairer society - one that works for the common good, and one that lives within its environmental limits. The Greens are the party to provide that change. But in order to get the Green Party's message across to as many people as possible, we need funds.

Unlike other parties, the Green Party don’t have millionaire backers, and we don't take contributions from large corporations. That’s why we need your help. We want people to know that the Greens are here, and that we are the true alternative.

Our candidates

Charlotte Pardy - candidate for South West Herts

I am a long-time supporter and promoter of the Green Party.

I am greatly inspired by the Green Party’s proposals of a living wage, renationalising the railways and its refusal to sell off the NHS to private companies. These are important issues for me.

I feel we need to invest more in our young people, and scrapping university fees is one way we are doing just that. We need an education system that promotes innovation and sets young people up to succeed. It is an investment in our young people, our society and our economy.

In my work I have provided voluntary counselling for children and young people, worked with the interfaith community, promoting peace and tolerance and spent time as a voluntary Chaplain for Hertfordshire Constabulary. I have seen the impact of poorly thought out political policies and the hardships they can cause. We need to take a longer-term view of the kind of society and environment we want to leave to our children and grandchildren.

I have chosen to stand because I believe government should be by the people for the people, not an elitist group of career politicians who have never known what it is like to go hungry, be homeless or to struggle.

As your candidate I hope to raise the profile of the Green Party’s values, to engage people, young and old, in politics. To show people their contribution, their vote matters. If elected, I will help the party to implement the change our country sorely needs. I believe it is in talking with and listening to people that we can bring about meaningful change together.

Alan Borgars - candidate for Hemel Hempstead

I have been an active member of the Green Party of England and Wales for two and a half years now, and ever since I joined I have been active in Green Party campaigns across all areas of Hertfordshire.

I have been a member of the Green Party’s Equalities and Diversity Committee since March 2014, giving important contributions in issues surrounding people on the autistic spectrum and people with mental health issues.

If selected, I will promise to the people of Hemel Hempstead that, if elected, I will campaign for:

  • a green regeneration plan for Hemel Hempstead Town Centre and other town centres in the UK to create green jobs

  • for free higher education (at both undergraduate and postgraduate level) and the cancellation of existing student debt

  • to have our railways and buses returned to public hands

  • to protect our NHS from privatisation.

I will also promise to help Hemel Hempstead get better services for people with disabilities, to campaign for proportional representation, and to only take half the current salary for MPs and donate the other half of that salary to green regeneration projects.


What will we use your money for?

We have a target of £2500 which will enable us to:

  • Put down a candidate deposit of £500 for each of the South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead constituencies.

  • Fight the Local elections across the Dacorum area.

  • Print leaflets, calling cards, letters, etc

  • Distribute our campaign material

  • And much more.

Any donation, large or small, will help towards reaching our goal of fielding Charlotte Pardy and Alan Borgars as parliamentary candidates, winning as many seats as possible at the local elections and of running a clean and decent campaign.

Please ensure that you are on the electoral register as this is a requirement for donating to a political party - register to vote here. If you would like to pledge £500 or more then we will need your personal contact details and address - a requirement for political parties.


pledged of £2,500 goal (GBP)

29% pledged



This project ended on 23 April 2015

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

This project was created by

Get these rewards

£10 – Fan

5 people want this

Thank you for your support of our campaign. Receive a big thank you from our candidates when you attend a local party meeting.

£20 – Supporter

7 people want this

You contribution is so important and we are so grateful for your support. Receive a personalised thank you on Twitter and Facebook from our candidates. Thank you!

£50 – Leaflet a ward

2 people want this

Your contribution will enable us to leaflet an entire local ward. Thank you so much - your support will have a direct impact on our campaign in the local area. You will also receive a personalised thank you on Twitter and Facebook from our candidates. Thank you!

£100 – Organiser

2 people want this

Your contribution will fund posters, leaflets and letters across both constituencies. Join us for a special planning meeting to discuss the campaign, and receive materials to distribute. You will also receive a personalised thank you on Twitter and Facebook from our candidates. Thank you, we are so grateful for your incredible support!

£500 – Fund a deposit

With your significant contribution you fund outright the deposit for one of our two parliamentary candidates. You will ensure that voters in your area have the opportunity to vote for - and elect - a Green MP. Thank you! Join us for a special planning meeting to discuss the campaign, and receive materials to distribute. Additionally receive a personalised thank you on Twitter and Facebook.

£1,000 – Fund both deposits!

This highest level of support funds outright the deposit for both of our parliamentary candidates! You will ensure that voters in your area have the opportunity to vote for - and elect - a Green MP. Thank you! Join us for a special planning meeting to discuss the campaign, and receive materials to distribute. Additionally receive a personalised thank you on Twitter and Facebook.

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