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The latest news from our projects

  • "Pssh. Let's go to work." - Big Joe, Reservoir Dogs

    An update for 20th Century Flicks: The Future

    Oct 12 2014

    C'est fini.

    It's Sunday. 11.14am. I've just had the best nights sleep I've had in weeks.

    An 11th hour push has brought us a total close to £12000: a hugely significant amout of money. This time last week, Joe and I were discussing various places in Bristol we had spotted pallets and scaff planks, planning missions around the city to scavenge as much free wood as possible. While it's deeply satisfying building a shop out of reclaimed material, it was proving time-consuming and endangering the possibility of us being ready by the end of the month. We can now afford to buy what we need to finish the shelving, as well as the kit required to ensure The Flicks Kino is as kickass as possible.

    A huge thank you to you all. I've given to crowdfunded projects in the past; projects that have inspired me, led by impassioned people who have exciting ideas but not much money. When I see these projects succeed, like the Roll For The Soul bike cafe and Andrew Harmer's film 'The Fitzroy', it fills me with joy. As easy as it is to be cynical about the begging-bowl aspect of crowdfunding, you can't ignore the democratic principle behind it that traditional forms of finance lack. Our project has been enabled by 416 of you, all of whom share a curiosity in our vision and a desire to see it realised. That vote of confidence means so much more to me than successfully selling the idea to a bank ever could.

    To the Kathryn Bigelow Option backers: I have an idea I want to put to you. If we pooled all those scenes together, we could remake Point Break in Bristol. It seems a silly idea I know, but one that could prove to be a lot of fun. It also seems in-keeping with the spirit of crowdfunding. Instead of having your own private scene, you would be co-producer on something much grander. You would also be given the option of starring in it. I've put the idea out there and so many people are already enthusiastic about it, I think we should have a go at it. If you would still prefer your own scene done, no problem.

    For the rest of the month Joe and I will continue building our new home, and I will start getting ready your rewards ("... your ETERNAL REWARDS!" Jafar's voice adds in my head). They'll start being despatched in November, or if you prefer you can collect them from the shop.

    For now, I'd just like to say thank you. All 416 of you. I've met lots of you already and those I haven't please do pop by the New Place once we're open. It'd be nice to show you in person where your money went. Thank you for your curiosity, and your generosity. We will do you proud, I'm certain. You can continue to follow our progress via our photojournal here:

    Til we meet again, lots of love

    Dave Taylor

    20th Century Flicks

  • "I feel like a bootlegger's wife!" - Mary, It's A Wonderful Life

    An update for 20th Century Flicks: The Future

    Oct 8 2014

    Well hello there, where've YOU all been hiding?

    The last 24 hours have been a headspinning, grin-bringing, heartswelling time for us. Collectively you've put in nearly 4 grand since yesterday. I would say I'm speechless, but I'm not. I wanna babble at you and tell you how great it feels to not only have local support but now, thanks largely in part to Owen Williams' Guardian article and Simon Pegg's blessing, international renown! Messages have flooded in from California, Japan, Lebanon, Brazil and Australia wishing us well. It's a huge boost to our morale as we've been beavering away the whole time thinking 'well, this is going to be cool for us to do' and just sort of trusting that people might dig it when we're finished. We're still sanding wood and drilling walls, and to have people express their faith in what we're doing is a huge source of comfort. Thank you thank you thank you.

    It's easy for Joe and I to forget about the outside world: we've been pulling 7 day weeks and abandoning whatever social lives we had to the project. People pop in and say hello and wish us well, but the scale of what happened yesterday was bewildering. We don't have internet there yet either so it wasn't unti texts from friends and family started coming in saying we should check out the buzz that I was made aware of it all. It was like the world came bursting into the shop, picked us up, patted us on the back and (with a sly tenner in the palm) shook our hands.

    As a result, it looks like we might smash our target. Not only is Simon Pegg's cheque in the post (he's solemnly promised it really is), the donations are still flooding in. So, like Ponyboy, we're golden.

    I'll write more when the official ending comes around, but til then I'll leave you with a highlight from today. Neil from Bristol Design Forge brought in a selection of the Genre signs he's doing for us. And they are beautiful. If you wanna see what other work they do, check em out here

    Thanks again all of you. Not only for providing me with the closest I'll come to a George Bailey Experience, but in making possible something I'm sure we'll all be able to enjoy and be proud of long into the future. 

    A bien tot

    Dave Taylor

    20th Century Flicks.

  • "Drake, we are leaving!" - Dwayne Hicks, Aliens.

    An update for 20th Century Flicks: The Future

    Oct 6 2014

    Five-and-a-bit days til the end of our fundraising mission, and we're nearly at £6000. Thanks so much for getting us so far! It'd be great if we manage to get to £10k by the end of the week, but fear not Flicksters! If we don't quite make it, we have contingency plans in place which I will outline for you here:

    The £10,000 budget included buying a great deal of wood. We are trying to cut this cost dramatically by using pallets. Though this is a time-consuming process (splitting them, sanding them, sawing them) every splinter in our fingers saves us £100s of pounds in plywood we don't have to buy new. It also has huge environmental benefits so we're going with it. Plus, it looks awesome.

    It also included a budget for furniture. Thankfully an Easton goddess by the name of Sadie has volunteered her upholstery skills and is doing this work for cost price. As is our welder-artist John Packer who is fabricating the movie safe and provided the woodburner. This woodburner, whilst being the most beautiful thing in the world, should also save us money on heating. So that all helps too.

    Also, a tentative shout out to Neil at the Design Forge who has offered to do our genre signage at cost price. So much goodwill and generosity has come from Bristol's vibrant artisan community; it swells the heart and gladdens the spirit. Thank you all.

    We have done ALL of the painting ourselves. Special props go to John, Sarah, Laura, Other Dave Taylor, Alice and SJ. They worked for cherry pie and tobacco.

    After haranguing the council about the more costly looking repairs  to the premises, the scaffolders arrived today and are fixing the blocked drainpipe that has led to all the damp in the shop. To save money on plastering, I have knocked the living s**t out of the affected walls to the point they are now exposed 16th century brick. A look I prefer to plasterboard, so they're staying that way.

    Last but not least, there is Joe. Without Joe not only would we have caned our budget quickly, the shelving system for housing our stock would be a miserablist piece of functional dross botched together by me. He has worked for free, pretty much full time, for the past 3 weeks and has pledged to see the project through. In short, he has saved Operation Christmas Steps and given us a chance of success that would not be ours with the budget we expect to be left with. So hats off to Joe. When we open, you'll see what he's done is some of the most exquisite woodwork this side of Chippenham.

    So, that's how we're managing to save our money, and that which you've kindly pledged. We would be grateful if you would still be happy for your pledges to go to us, even if we don't quite manage our target. When you come to visit us, you'll see how far that money has gone and the special haven it has created. If you'd rather not due to the all-or-nothing nature of the crowdfunding thing, no hard feelings. You'll still get a warm welcome.

    Thank you.

    Dave Taylor

    20thCentury Flicks


  • "She's filled with secrets..."

    An update for 20th Century Flicks: The Future

    Sep 30 2014

    The week has started excellently with new recruits and an invigorating sense of excitement. The New Place is starting to take shape, like a sculptor uncovering the figure within a block of marble. Despite locking myself in the toilet (note: after removing a door handle to paint a door, put it back on before shutting it behind you) and forgetting to bring any cheese in, great progress has been made. John and Sarah Jane came and painted the ceiling and the walls in the main room. The coffee men came and have serviced and installed the Behemoth (aka La Cimbali M1). The bathroom is painted and awaits only the fittings to ice the cake. The Horror Wall has been stripped of its mystery and is now somewhat ruggedly beautiful. 20 square metres of red satin is winging its way to us, as is a full size stone statue of Pandora (both for the Lynch Kino!). Basically... It's all happening.

    Photos are being added semi-daily to the album HERE:

    It appears the closer to a deadline you get, the more exponential your productivity. But due to my time as a Film and Literature student, this is a lesson I have learned and relearned many times.

    Tomorrow MORE THINGS HAPPEN! We're picking up a glorious woodburner from a local welding artist called John Packer (the artist, not the woodburner) and he's also agreed to take on the creation of the Flicks Movie Safe (TM). We're getting the first of our chaise longues, which will be spirited away to local upholsterer Sadie Campbell who will do magic on and to it. Me and Joe are going to Bristol Wood Recycling Project. Again. To get shelving goods and rope. Again.

    All in all, this is proving to be a very rewarding experience and every day another facet of Bristol rears its head and makes me love this city more. So thanks. And well done Bristol.


    Dave out.

  • Our Last Day.!

    An update for Re:work Bristol

    Sep 30 2014

    A big thank - you to our 74 backers and Fundsurfer. It has been fun.

    love from

    the re:work team.

  • Our Last Day.!

    An update for Re:work Bristol

    Sep 30 2014

    A big thank - you to our 74 backers and Fundsurfer. It has been fun.

    love from

    the re:work team.

  • It's Alive... The Creature Lives....

    An update for Independently publishing Solomon's Secrets

    Sep 27 2014

    A very exciting update for all my fabulous backers and one I've been looking forward to...

    It's finished! Finally, Solomon's Secrets is done! *Lets out massive sigh of relief*

    I've ordered copies from Amazon and will be taking delivery of a big box full of brand spanking new books on 15th October 2014.

    I've also booked the venue for the launch party.

    I've booked the function room at The Bavarian Beerhouse in Bristol on Saturday 22nd November 2014 from 6pm.

    But it won't be an evening of Dirndl's and Stein's, I've booked it because of its proximity to old Bristol. The party will be a treasure hunt...

    We meet at the Bavarian Beerhouse at 6pm for welcome drinks and thank you’s from me, then everyone will receive a goody bag and clues to follow. There’ll be time to have a drink on the treasure hunt too, none of the locations are very far from each other.

    Naturally, everyone who has contributed to the crowdfund will get an invitation, but if you’d like to come or would like to bring friends along, please contact me so I know numbers.

    Thanks again for all of your support so far and I look forward to celebrating with you all in November.



  • 15 Days of Summer

    An update for 20th Century Flicks: The Future

    Sep 26 2014

    Hellooooo Backers,

    It's been a massively productive week at The New Place and things are looking fairly optimistic for a late October opening. I'm reguarly updating a photo album on Facebook here:

    If you don't do Facebook, get in touch and I'll email em to you!

    Basically, shelves have been designed and made... A coffee machine has been bought... Red drapes have been hemmed... Paint has been spilt... Many sandwiches have been devoured.

    We have 15 days left of our fundraising campaign. We need to raise another £5000 or so in that time. If you could spread the word among like-minded folk, that'd help a lot!

    Have a great weekend,

    Lots of love and thanks and good wishes for you all,

    Dave Taylor

    20th Century Flicks

  • What I've been up to...

    An update for THE-SOCIETY

    Sep 21 2014

    I was involved in discussions to address issues that affect black and minority ethnic groups in Bristol, hopefully we can influence policy 

  • 100 Backers! Thank you all!

    An update for 20th Century Flicks: The Future

    Sep 21 2014

    "Backers! Flicksters! Though we are a tribe of 100 what we accomplish together will echo through eternity! At this pace in 20 days we will not only number an auspicious 300, we will also have achieved our fundraising goal! Our new homeland will be secured and we will rejoice and toast our ancestors, and our descendants will sing songs of our great victory.

    So, um...  Thanks everybody!

    I'll be down at the Steps tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday from midday on so if you want to drop by and have a tea and see what we're up to, please do. It'll be mostly painting and shelving going on, and any and all helping hands are welcome.



    Dave Taylor

    20th Century Flicks

