Recent updates

The latest news from our projects

  • Thank you!

    An update for The Green Party campaign for South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead

    Apr 26 2015

    The funding campaign for the Dacorum Green Party election fund completed successfully on Thursday with a fantastic total of £700 raised.

    Thank you all so much for your support!

    Whilst we did not hit our target, the money raised is invaluable, and has, along with other local fund raising initiatives, allowed us to stand parliamentary candidates in both the South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead consituencies.  The remaining monies will go towards leafleting and other awareness activities in the local area.

    Once again, thank you for your support.

    Dacorum Green Party

  • The Deer is here!

    An update for ONE IDEA skate and art event

    Apr 24 2015

    We are on our way!

    We have had an awesome response and want to thank everyone for their support getting us to where we are.

    To celebrate hitting the £500 mark we have decided to release the One Idea Graphic.

    The design was crafted by our very own Chez and will be printed on T-shirts and canvas, so if you like the look then check out our updated page. 

    Once again, everyone at Idea wants to say a big thank you for all the support we have had so far.

    If you know anyone that would want to help us put on a free skate and art event in Cardiff then please share our page!

  • Thank you so much!

    An update for Young People's jazz club at The Spark Festival

    Apr 20 2015

    We really appreciate your help with our crowdfunding appeal for the Young People's Jazz Club, which has now ended.  You helped us raise some much needed additional funding which the Arts Council will now match - making a big difference to our festival this year.  I hope you will get to see the show - to see what you helped make happen. Tickets are available through our website:,314.html

    Thanks again and have a good day, Carrie on behalf of The Spark Team

  • Campaign Extended!

    An update for The Green Party campaign for South West Herts and Hemel Hempstead

    Apr 15 2015

    First up, thank you all so much for your support!  Your contributions are so valuable, and fund our fight in the local and general elections.

    The campaign is going great, but we've still got a way to go.  We've decided to keep the campaign open for one more week, to see if we can get closer to our target.  The campaign will now close on Thursday 23rd April 2015

    Please, share the campaign page on Facebook, Twitter, email with your friends etc.  Lets try and reach the maximum number of people possible!

    Dacorum Green Party

  • Bearritos in the Bearpit

    An update for Bearritos

    Apr 9 2015

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you once again for all your support.

    With your help we have been able to get up and running. Thank you.

    We are currently serving Monday to Friday 11am - 4pm. We'll be fully operational hopefully by the end of April; increasing our menu and opening times.

    Fundsurfer have now processed all your pledges and will be sending us your contact info and pledge info shortly.

    We'll then be emailing over the next day or two to let you know about reclaiming your rewards.

    We can't wait to see you.

    Team Bearritos (Robin & Simon)

  • Bearritos Time

    An update for Bearritos

    Mar 31 2015

    A huge thank you from Bearritos to all of you.

    With all the pledges and your support we have been able to do an incredible amount in a short period. It is safe to say we couldn't have done it without you.

    Even more amazing is the hands-on help given by (extra)-ordinary people from the Bristol community.

    People showed up daily to lend their time cleaning, painting, doing carpentry, upholstery and so much more.

    As a result the amount we need has fallen dramatically to less than £10k.

    We were able to open for Spring in the Bearpit as planned (Saturday 28th) which was great fun and a real success for the Bearpit; a sign of things to come.

    We still have a bit more work to do to turn Bearritos into something everyone can be proud of.

    Its the last day of the campaign. Tell your friends to grab a great reward!!

    Thank you

  • Bear Hugs

    An update for Bearritos

    Mar 23 2015

    A massive massive thank you to each and every one of you! You are all amazing!


    We have just hit 150 pledges. That's 150 of you who are helping turn Bearritos into a reality. That's also 150 great rewards for you too!


    There are just 8 days to go to the end of this campaign and even less before the big Spring in the Bearpit event this Saturday 28th.

    This is goint to be one BUSY week!


    Please keep the support coming.


    If know anyone who may like to pledge, sponsor or give Bearritos some media coverage, please let them know now!!


    Thank you

    Robin & Simon



  • A Green MP in Cambridge - a giant leap closer!

    An update for A Green MP for Cambridge

    Mar 20 2015

    Thank you all for your support and pledges over the past months on Fundsurfer, and through social media. It's meant our campaign surpassed the £4,000 barrier last week, and last night was up to £4,367 - an amazing result! I'm so grateful, and I feel very privileged to be able to represent you. 

    The money that you've raised will enable us to put down a deposit, get promotional material together, and put more bodies on the ground to represent the Green Party and to get the message out through Cambridge about who the Green Party is and why people should vote Green in May. We need to be seen and heard, online and offline, and thanks to your support, we'll be able to do that better. 

    As for me personally, I've been to a few hustings recently, most recently to Hills Road Sixth Form College, where I was joined by representatives of the other parties - it was a jolly packed affair! The questions were wide ranging - from the economy, to the Middle East. I spoke to the students afterwards, and there's real appetite for honest politics. If you're interested in coming to a hustings, please join us in April, when I'll be at the Friends Meeting House in a hustings organised by the Cambridge Cycling Campaign

    The Green Surge is a real thing, and we need to keep the momentum going right up to the election, and beyond. You can help by spreading the word! What does the Green Party stand for? - And  - the Green Party comes top in Cambridge, when people vote for what they believe! 

    I'll be in touch again soon, but once again let me thank you for your support, and let's #VoteGreen2015,






  • Why choose an unconditional basic income?

    An update for Pay every UK citizen an unconditional basic income

    Mar 17 2015


    Why do we need to pay everyone an unconditional basic income?

    1. Automation

    As more and more jobs become automated, more and more people face the prospect of “unemployment”

    Its either “no job, no money, no live” or we do something about it.

    2. We are born on to a planet which freely provides all the resources necessary for us to fulfil our right to live.

    After that we can do stuff to make life better and/or more interesting.

    Since the ‘ownership’ idea has got a little out of hand and certainly in this country (UK) you cannot survive without money because all the ‘resources’ are ‘owned’ then you should have the wherewithal to ‘survive’.

    3. Freedom

    An Unconditional Basic Income will give everyone freedom.

    Freedom to study.
    Freedom to nurture our own children
    Freedom for entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and solutions to the critical challenges we face as a species.

    4. Eradicate Hunger & Homelesness

    We already produce more than enough food to eradicate world hunger. We already have enough resources and materials to house everyone.

    There is no need for anyone to be hungry on this planet.

    There is no need for anyone to be homeless on this planet.

    5. Value Everyone.

    In our current economic system the only people with the power to attribute value to anything are "markets", "corporations" and "the very wealthy"

    If "markets", "corporations" and "the very wealthy" decide what you do is not of any value to them, then what you do, your passions, your skills, your talents, your interests, the things you would like to contribute to society, are of no value. You are of no value and society develops in the way "markets", "corporations" and "the very wealthy" want.

    What gives "markets", "corporations" and "the very wealthy" the right to decide what's good/valuable for all of us and to society as a whole.

    We are all part of society and therefore we should all have a say in what is valuable to us as a society.

    Unconditional Basic Income values every individual, every talent, every passion, every skill.

    Unconditional Basic Income gives every individual a say anything in how society should develop.

    I think this is fairer and would lead to a better society than the one we currently have.

    6. To stop us destroying ourselves.

    In Brazil, in order to put food on the table for their families, people mine for gold using mercury.

    They use mercury because it is cheap and its all they can afford.

    Mercury poisons themselves, their families and OUR food chain.

    Would these miners still mine for gold if they already had food on the table? Or would they feel empowered to make different choices?

    Choices that are better for them and better for US?

    7. A happier healthier better educated society with substantially reduced crime.


    How do we pay everyone an unconditional basic income?

    1. We have to start again from scratch.

    We already produce more than enough food to eradicate world hunger, pity there isn’t enough money to pay for it all.

    Even using current government budgets and raising income tax to 50% we can pay a reasonable unconditional basic income like this.

    We pay every adult £170 a week.
    We pay every child £100 a week.

    I also propose giving every adult access to a UK government interest free 25 year mortgage of up to £100,000 to build their own house. (Buy their own narrowboat, mobile home etc)

    These can be repaid at £80 a week, directly from their unconditional basic income.

    Anyone who wants more than just food and shelter is free to go out and do paid work to earn more money to buy the better things in life.

    The free market will ensure that the rate of pay, for the jobs that are vital to society, will go up

    The free market will ensure that the rate of pay, for the jobs that are you unnecessary to society, will be reduced.

    This will create a fairer society.

    Obviously there are anomalies and in some areas of the UK, the cost of housing will mean £170 a week is not enough to pay for food and shelter.

    This is where there are choices that need to be made.

    It is possible for people to move to areas where housing is cheaper.

    It is possible for people to choose cheaper modes of housing (narrow boats, mobile homes etc)

    It is possible to do paid work and stay with in a more expensive area.

    Or we can just carry on as we are.

    Personally I prefer the unconditional basic income.

    Do you?

    Donate ;-)

  • Bear on the move

    An update for Bearritos

    Mar 13 2015

    What a week!!

    We've hit over 100 people signing up to support us and grab great discounted deals.

    Sincere thanks to everyone who has done this. Massive thanks too, to all who have spread the word on facebook, twitter, email and everywhere else! The feedback has been amazing.

    This week, we've been working on the bus itself with some really fantastic help from volunteers. 


    More pics & info online

    Thank you!